Let's do the best of it! Departure time from the apartment is 10 a.m..
We offer you the possibility of the late check-out service. Price per apartment is € 30 until 2 p.m. or € 50 until 4 p.m. We need you to ask for this service at reception the evening before or on the same day in the morning. This price does not include services of bars, snack bar or the buffet restaurant.
You also have the option to get the Happy Farewellservice including all drinks at bars, access to the snack bar and lunch at the main restaurant. Prices and booking of this service are at the button or asking at reception. This price does not include the access to the apartment.
If you plan staying more nights, you can book a separate stay at our webpage. Please type at the observations box that you are extending your stay along with your apartment number for your comfort. Or go to reception, we will be more than happy to assist you and you would have the option to pay with cash.